序号 | 所属机构 | 文件号 | 英文名称 | 中文名称 |
1. | SC32 | ISO/SAE 21434:2021 | Road vehicles — Cybersecurity engineering | 道路车辆——网络安全工程 |
2. | SC33 | ISO 13988:2021 | Passenger car and light truck vehicle wheels — Clip and adhesive balance weight and rim flange nomenclature, test procedures and performance requirements | 乘用车和轻型卡车车轮 — 夹子和粘合剂平衡重和轮辋法兰命名法、测试程序和性能要求 |
3. | SC34 | ISO 6622-1:2021 | Internal combustion engines — Piston rings — Part 1: Rectangular rings made of cast iron | 内燃机—活塞环—第1部分:铸铁矩形环 |
4. | SC34 | ISO 7299-2:2021 | Diesel engines — End-mounting flanges for pumps — Part 2: High-pressure supply pumps for common rail fuel injection systems | 柴油发动机—泵的端部安装法兰—第2部分:共轨燃油喷射系统的高压供油泵 |
5. | SC34 | ISO 18669-1:2021 | Internal combustion engines — Piston pins — Part 1: General specifications | 内燃机—活塞销—第1部分:一般规范 |
6. | SC35 | ISO 13837:2021 | Road vehicles-Safety glazing materials-Method for the determination of solar transmittance | 道路车辆—安全玻璃材料—太阳光透射比计算方法 |