
1ISO 22135:2023Road vehicles — Heavy commercial vehicles and buses — Calculation method for steady-state rollover threshold道路车辆 重型商用车和公共汽车 稳态侧翻的计算方法ISO/TC 22/SC 33
2ISO 18246:2023Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles — Safety requirements for conductive connection to an external electric power supply电动摩托车和轻便摩托车 外部电源导电连接的安全要求ISO/TC 22/SC 38ISO 18246:2015
3ISO 3894:2023Road vehicles — Wheels/rims for commercial vehicles — Test methods道路车辆 商用车车轮/轮辋 试验方法ISO/TC 22/SC 33ISO 3894:2015
4ISO/TS 12103-3:2023Road vehicles — Test contaminants for filter evaluation — Part 3: Soot contaminant道路车辆 — 测试污染物以进行过滤器评估 — 第 3 部分:烟灰污染物ISO/TC 22/SC 34ISO/TS 12103-3:2020
5ISO 15500-13:2023Road vehicles — Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components — Part 13: Pressure relief device (PRD)道路车辆 — 压缩天然气 (CNG) 燃料系统部件 — 第 13 部分:泄压装置 (PRD)ISO/TC 22/SC 41ISO 15500-13:2012
ISO 15500-13:2012/Amd 1:2016
6ISO 15500-21:2023Road vehicles — Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components — Part 21: Discharge line closures道路车辆 - 压缩天然气 (CNG) 燃料系统组件 - 第 21 部分:排放管路关闭ISO/TC 22/SC 41
7ISO 20766-7:2023Road vehicles — Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel system components — Part 7: Remotely controlled service valve with excess flow valve道路车辆 - 液化石油气 (LPG) 燃料系统部件 - 第 7 部分:带过流阀的遥控检修阀ISO/TC 22/SC 41
8ISO 20766-8:2023Road vehicles — Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel system components — Part 8: Fuel pump道路车辆——液化石油气 (LPG) 燃料系统部件——第 8 部分:燃料泵ISO/TC 22/SC 41
9ISO 20766-15:2023Road vehicles — Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel system components — Part 15: Excess flow valve道路车辆 — 液化石油气 (LPG) 燃料系统部件 — 第 15 部分:溢流阀ISO/TC 22/SC 41
10ISO 20766-21:2023Road vehicles — Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel system components — Part 21: Pressure and/or temperature sensors道路车辆 - 液化石油气 (LPG) 燃料系统部件 - 第 21 部分:压力和/或温度传感器ISO/TC 22/SC 41
11ISO 15031-3:2023Road vehicles — Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics — Part 3: Diagnostic connector and related electrical circuits: Specification and use道路车辆 车辆和排放诊断外部设备间通讯 第3部分:诊断连接装置,相关电气线路技术要求和使用ISO/TC 22/SC 31ISO 15031-3:2016
12ISO 24089:2023Road vehicles — Software update engineering道路车辆——软件更新工程ISO/TC 22/SC 32
13ISO 19438:2023Diesel fuel and petrol filters for internal combustion engines — Filtration efficiency using particle counting and contaminant retention capacity内燃机用柴油和汽油滤清器 通过颗粒物计数和污染物滞留量评价滤清效率ISO/TC 22/SC 34ISO 19438:2003
14ISO 21782-1:2023Electrically propelled road vehicles — Test specification for electric propulsion components — Part 1: General test conditions and definitions电动道路车辆 电力驱动部件试验规范 第1部分:通用试验条件和定义ISO/TC 22/SC 37ISO 21782-1:2019
15ISO 11154:2023Road vehicles — Roof load carriers道路车辆 车顶加载系统 车顶杆ISO/TC 22/SC 40
16ISO 11992-2:2023Road vehicles — Interchange of digital information on electrical connections between towing and towed vehicles — Part 2: Application layer for brakes and running gear道路车辆 拖车和挂车间电气连接数字信息交换 第2部分:制动和行走系应用层ISO/TC 22/SC 31ISO 11992-2:2014
17ISO/TS 22133:2023Road vehicles — Test object monitoring and control for active safety and automated/autonomous vehicle testing — Functional requirements, specifications and communication protocol道路车辆 - 主动安全和自动/自主车辆测试的测试对象监测和控制 - 功能要求、规范和通信协议ISO/TC 22/SC 33



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