序号 | 所属机构 | 文件号 | 英文名称 | 中文名称 |
1 | ISO/TC 22/SC 32/WG 12 | ISO 24089:2023/Amd 1:2024 | Road vehicles — Software update engineering — Amendment 1 | 道路车辆 软件更新工程 修正本1 |
2 | ISO/TC 22/SC 34/WG 2 | ISO 7299-1:2024 | Diesel engines — End-mounting flanges for pumps — Part 1: Fuel injection pumps | 柴油发动机 泵的端部安装法兰 第1部分:燃油喷射泵 |
3 | ISO/TC 22/SC 34/WG 4 | ISO 6626-1:2024 | Internal combustion engines — Piston rings — Part 1: Coil spring loaded oil control rings made of cast iron | 内燃机 活塞环 第1部分:铸铁制螺旋弹簧油控制环 |
4 | ISO/TC 22/SC 34/WG 4 | ISO 6626-2:2024 | Internal combustion engines — Piston rings — Part 2: Coil-spring-loaded oil control rings of narrow width made of cast iron | 内燃机 活塞环 第2部分:由铸铁制成的窄幅螺旋弹簧加载式机油控制环 |
5 | ISO/TC 22/WG 18 | ISO 2958:2024 | Road vehicles — Exterior protection for passenger cars | 道路车辆 乘用车的外部防护 |
6 | ISO/TC 22/SC 34/WG 2 | ISO 13948-2:2024 | Diesel engines — Fuel injection pumps and fuel injector low-pressure connections — Part 2: Non-threaded (push-on) connections | 柴油发动机 喷油泵和喷油器低压连接 第2部分:无螺纹(推入式)连接 |
7 | ISO/TC 22/SC 32/WG 1 | ISO 6518-2:2024 | Road vehicles — Ignition systems — Part 2: Electrical performance and function test methods | 道路车辆 点火系统 第2部分:电气性能和功能试验方法 |
8 | ISO/TC 22/SC 35/WG 3 | ISO 24650:2024 | Road vehicles — Sensors for automated driving under adverse weather conditions — Assessment of the cleaning system efficiency | 道路车辆 用于恶劣天气条件下自动驾驶的传感器 清洁系统效率评估 |
9 | ISO/TC 22/SC 32/WG 10 | ISO 24581:2024 | Road vehicles — General requirements and test methods of in-vehicle optical harnesses for up to 100 Gbit/s communication | 道路车辆 高达100Gbit/s通信的车载光学线束的一般要求和试验方法 |
10 | ISO/TC 22/SC 33/WG 2 | ISO 9815:2024 | Road vehicles — Passenger-car and trailer combinations — Lateral stability test | 道路车辆 乘用车和挂车列车 横向稳定性测试 |